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I'm often asked "Why do I love to coach?"


My answer:


Everyone has a dream. Some dreams have been beaten back and are hidden beneath the stress and responsibilities of everyday life. The dream hasn't died, it is just hibernating.


I love coaching people to achieve their dream. If you have it in your heart you can get it. It boils down to belief, preparation, action and recognizing success. We are all more than we think we are. I started teaching/coaching sports at age 14. I am now a life and wellness coach. Through the years l have seen people (from age 5 through adults) achieve things I never believed they would. I didn't tell them that. Rather I helped them establish the environment and belief it took to achieve their dream and supported them through the process.


It amazed and excited me as much as it did them, because some of their dreams seemed quite impossible when we started working together. Their success is the reason I am still coaching and never want to stop. All I need is someone who really wants to go after their dream. 







Clients Overcoming LIFE Challenges

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I have benefited greatly from your coaching. You have provided a safe and energizing platform for me to clarify my goals and dreams, and helped me to develop realistic strategies to meet those goals. You have provided solid guidance with a calming and stabilizing influence. Thank you. -- JD, Iowa


For a few months I really went through a difficult time. Jan certainly helped me move forward. I would recommend her coaching to anyone who is looking to improve their lifestyle. My attitude and outlook on life is positive everyday. It has made life exciting! Thanks Jan, you are a real gem! I will always be grateful for your patience and guidance. Your concern for me as an individual is something I will never forget! -- WH, Canada


Your questions help me narrow my focus to my goal. -- BC, Hawaii


Jan, you are an excellent coach! It was a difficult year for me and at times it seemed like I wasn't achieving what I was supposed to be, but I experienced some life lessons that I needed to work through before I could move on to what I really want. Even though the life lessons never end, I feel a lot better equipped to deal with them.   I really thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the effort and time that you spent with me.                          


You're the best! 
Thank you for your knowledge 
Thank you for your wisdom 
Thank you for your caring 
Thank you for your positivity 
Thank you for your encouragement 
Thank you for your aloha's 
Thank you for being you -- DO, Canada


I'm kicking ass and it's all because of you, Jan! -- CW, Florida




Clients Overcoming FOOD Challenges

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I've been tracking my food on and off for many years. The calorie thing never worked for me. It's too much work. This is quick and easy. This is a whole new way of looking at how you are eating. It's really a paradigm shift. This is great! -- SB, Canada


You've painted a picture that really helps me with my food choices. -- ME, Massachusetts


You have made me more aware. I do not make the same choices I made in the past. It reinforces better habits. -- KR, Hawaii


I'm not lonely anymore so I engage in life instead of going to the refrigerator. -- RH, Minnesota


I didn't even think about the holiday temptations. My taste buds changed. I'm not craving sweets because I am more conscious of what I am eating. I am eating more fruits and vegetables. It had to be in my head that I wanted to do it. -- WM, Hawaii


Jan's Comments:

I love it when people finally realize they don't have to cut out all the foods they like, and/or they don't have to do as much exercise as they thought they had to do. And they CAN fit it into their day.



Clients Overcoming EXERCISE Challenges

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I came to your class out of curiosity. I got a big "Ah-ha" during a class you led. I didn't realize how out of balance one area of my life, in particular, was, or how that area was affecting my health, weight, and well being. Just that one insight has helped me realign with my deeper desire for health and well being, and for it's success. In addition, making just that one adjustment in my focus and then my actions has had amazing results. I feel better. It's easier to maintain my health and flexibility. Thank you so much for your wonderful work. I would highly recommend your classes to fact I have! Look for my friends to join you soon. -- DI, California


Jan's Comments:

10 months following my "CHANGE Your Mind . . BREAK The Bind" teleclass one of the participants emailed that she was going to do a 50 mile walk for charity. I was very surprised because I didn't remember her as someone who liked to exercise. I contacted her and found out that: No, she had not been interested in exercise and YES, she was doing all 50 miles herself. 
Because of the class she decided to start walking just a little. She found that she enjoyed it and each time she became comfortable with the amount of walking she was doing, she would add on a little more. When she learned about the 50-mile walk she decided it was something she could do and became excited about the challenge. She was very proud of herself and I was very proud of her. 
Not everyone goes on to achieve 50-mile walks. Almost everyone does go on to achieve something they didn't realize they could.


Clients Overcoming STRESS Challenges

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Two months ago, my life was truly overwhelming and unbalanced and if it was a wheel, it wouldn't have rolled. You have given me the tools to help me become more balanced and now my wheel is starting to move. I feel that I have a new beginning. Thank you! -- DS, Florida


This is the least stressful my holidays have ever been!. -- JD, Iowa


I went into this class and came out with a different outlook. Change is possible for me! -- DR, Pennsylvania



Clients Overcoming WEIGHT Challenges

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After decades of dieting and 35 years of smoking; I lost 90 lbs, gave up smoking, reversed diabetes and renewed a better relationship with my husband. My two daughters also gave up smoking because of what I had done. I found out who I was . . and I like myself. -- VD, Texas


I've lost 15 lbs and I've kept it off. I am down 2 dress sizes. Now I fit in all my clothes . . and they fit better. That's an incentive right there. -- MN, Hawaii


It doesn't have to be as much work as I thought. I don't have to change 500 things. I just need to change one pattern of behavior. That's a Big Relief! I don't have to work so hard. I don't need a lot of analysis.. I'm not crazy. I'm just a creature of habit.. Habits can be changed. That is hopeful! -- RH, Minnesota


Your coaching let's me see in a comfortable way where I can make changes. -- AR, Minnesota


Jan, you have a great style - I felt very relaxed and comfortable. You know your subject. How comfortable you made me feel. I didn't feel judged at all for being (fat). Which happens sometimes from the health community. I've used your handouts. They have been helpful and very effective. -- DW, Colorado


I no longer have to blame myself. -- RH, Minnesota


I didn't think she could teach this old dieter any new tricks. I was wrong. Jan's approach is refreshing and practical. -- AR, Minnesota


Jan, having you as a part of my support system has been incredibly wonderful! -- RH, Minnesota


I learned so much. It feels wonderful. I can apply this not just to weight, but to any problem in life. --     ST, California


LifeWeight™ is flexible. It adapts to my needs. I don't have to adapt to it. -- AR, Minnesota


Thanks for your class Break the Bind! (teleclass CHANGE Your Mind . . BREAK The Bind). My first AHA was on the FIRST call when I realized that . . . "my excess weight is not about my body, it's about my mind! If I can change my mind, I can change my body!" -- WM, Hawaii


The insight I have gained into myself is priceless. Coach Jan helped me realize my value as a person, which increased my self-confidence. I've spent a long time trying to be the perfect daughter, wife, mother and employee, but hadn't put much time considering my own needs and wants. In fact, I didn't even consider myself worthy of my own time and energy, because there was always someone else in need of them. Coach Jan literally helped me discover the person I am, and hey, I'm a pretty good ol' gal! I've also been more energetic and productive at work and home because of her influence. Her nutrition advice and coaching on activity was easy to follow up on and keep doing. It was almost effortless because she guided me on how to take it easy and gradually, rather than going all gung ho like I would in the past, which was just a way of setting myself up for failure. Coach Jan guided me into setting myself up for success and I'm forever thankful for that. I also made the decision to quit smoking and have stuck with it, amazingly. But even more amazing is that I'm actually losing weight too, thanks to Coach Jan's support and help. She's been there as a stable terminal for me during a time when I felt I had no one else to listen to me and understand. She never condemns or belittles, but instead asks the right questions that make me look for the solution to the things in my life I want to handle. So I'm making the decisions I stick with. She taught me to ask myself the questions needed to make the right decisions for me. Coach Jan has been a priceless influence in my life. I'm so glad I found her when I did. -- VD, Texas


Jan's Comments:

A client came to a session telling me she had relapsed. Her voice didn't imply any concern so I asked her if she was concerned about it. Her reply, "No". After talking about what she could do to get back on track I asked her what she would have done if this had happened a year ago. She said, "Oh, I would have given up." I asked her what was different about this time. She said "I knew I would be talking to you and you would help me get back on track, so I wasn't worried about it."



Clients who attended my ONLINE CLASSES on Weight Management

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The camaraderie of having people with common struggles makes me feel I am not the failure I thought I was. You learn that people are the same, going through similar experiences -- especially people my age. -- KR, Hawaii


I used to have to get into my car and drive to the class. It would take 3-4 hours of my time. This is all by phone. I can attend in my pajamas. It just works! -- RH, Minnesota



Clients Overcoming WELLNESS Challenges

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Jan, your input during our last session was so very helpful! I came away from our session feeling empowered, and more hopeful – the guilt I had been feeling after my visit with the Dr. was gone and ended, transformed by your kind and gentle words. Thank you! -- JD, Iowa





© 2009-2018 Jan Barosh All rights reserved in all media.

Food Challenges
Exercise Challenges
Life Challenges
Wellness Challenges
Online Classes
Weight Challenges
Stress Challenges

"It is so rewarding when I see my clients 

change their lives. While some were eager

to move forward, others had almost given

up hope. When they achieve their goals

and become happier, it makes me happy.

Read on and I am sure you will agree."


Comments are from both male and female clients ranging in age from mid 20's through mid 60's.

What Dream are You Ready to Go After?

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